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Prillian Copii

Mama lor a fost de a lua înainte de concepție la produsele Prillian că acestea pot fi luate. După concepția de mame care iau Prillian să se dezvolte frumos. Mama lor este de a lua acum produsele Prillian pentru sănătate sunt în măsură să își educe copiii.

Prillian Copilul consumate în uter. Datorită corpului mamei lor a fost. Acum, copilul este luat Prillian sa fie sanatos si creste vechi, dacă părinții lor le poate da produsele de la părinții lor.

În scopul de a menține și actualiza sistemul de Prillian 31 martie a fiecărui an, până când este posibil să se reînnoiască. În acest an 2013.03.31.-ig.

Results: [20]    1-10 11-20

Black Walnut


The black walnut bark and fruit of the fungus against the skin was used. Cancer preventive effects have been attributed to him, which could arise from observing that due to its antifungal effect keeps the fungus, which prove to be carcinogenic in some materials.

Kidney Stones


There are plenty of studies is to suggest that the high phosphorus leaches calcium from the bony structures and the incorporation of digestion.

In the absence of calcium ion


This book demonstrates the importance of body fluids to be slightly alkaline, and describes how to examine ourselves, to sustain the right balance.

The reduction in blood pH values


42 animal species developed exclusively by cancerous disease that has reduced their blood pH
Otto Warburg, twice Nobel laureate experiments of 42 animal species developed exclusively by cancerous disease that has reduced their blood pH, and the cells were deprived of oxygen.

Nutrition and health


Calcium and other minerals in which complex chemical contribution to the overall health

The key role of calcium


Calcium plays a key role in countering the most serious diseases.

The magical power of calcium


The Rockefeller University, New York, head of the Strang Cancer Research Laboratory, said that "Animal studies have shown that increased calcium concentration is not only protected the cells from the cancer, but also in the breast, prostate and pancreas as well.

The zinc


The body materials are an important group of trace elements. Presence of a number of enzymes essential for the operation. The zinc in the periodic table, elements of atomic number 30's.



Forty years ago it was discovered that selenium, a vital component of both humans and animals for food. This element is chemically similar to sulfur.

Wilson's disease


We present our new medical note of Wilson's disease, in which the selection of copper due to disturbances of copper accumulate in the liver, brain, kidney and other organs. The article describes the second half of Wilson's disease is a general dietary recommendations.

Results: [20]    1-10 11-20

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Pavelka Andrea

Am crescut în familie cu mulţi copii, unde am fost nevoit să sud în suflet dragostea muncii, viaţa sa format întru-n fel ma silit să lucrez de la 17 ani.

Din adâncime am început să-mi construiesc viitorul şi după un timp deja am ajuns la întreprindere individuală.