About their bodies. 60% of the water. This amount of water in the cells and various body fluids (blood, urine, etc.). Found. Without water no organization viable.
A man without fluid intake over a few days, as the daily average human body loses 2-3 liters of water and sweating during digestion. This quantity must be replenished by drinking.
The water manifold functions in the body: the building blocks of our cells, a lot of material to solvent and carrier, and an important role in the regulation of body heat.
It is important not only to drink when we are thirsty, as thirst is the body's response to water stress. If you drink too little, not ourselves feel good, headache or fatigue can occur and reduce the performance ability as well.
The organization is constantly empties itself of liquid in the total amount of normal temperature, effortlessly 2-3 liters per day, heat, and sports you can go up to 4-5 liters.
The loss of fluid - which urine (1300 ml), stool (150 ml), sweating (500 ml) and respiration (450 ml) excreted by szervezetünkből - to be constantly replenished.
A healthy adult's daily fluid consumption is around one third of solids, liquids will cover two-thirds. Broken down into more detail about fluid intake. 70% of the drinking water, from soft, fruit juice, tea, coffee, soups, milk, beer and other alcoholic drinks from approx. 20% of fruits and vegetables sold approx. 10% of them with bread, meat, eggs, legumes into the body.