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V Prillian systém upgradov a údržby tak, aby do 31. marca každý rok, kým existuje možnosť jeho predĺženia. V tomto roku 2013.03.31.-ig.

Reduced-calorie foods

Reduced-calorie food, which is similar to the energy content of traditional foods energiatartalmánál at least 30% less.
If soft drinks are fibrous want to consume apple juice, apple juice is a normal dl 239 kJ (57 kcal), while the reduced-calorie version of only 51 kJ (12 kcal) of energy is entered.
Energy-free food, a 100 gram up to 10 kJ (2.4 kcal) energy contents.
The energy content of cola 189 kJ (45 kcal), while the energy-Cola Light soft drink, a free kJ (0.2 kcal).
Reduced-fat food with a fat content of at least 50% smaller than comparable conventional élelmiszeré and cholesterol content of not more than 50 mg per 100 g.
We know that the right amount of unsaturated fatty acids which play an important role in cardiovascular disease prevention. If you carefully read the information on foods, and consumer awareness as we bought, we have already done much for our health, we are not doing nothing more than "just do not eat, but you can read it."

What you need to include a reduced-calorie foods?
The product is a dose of at least 30% must be covered in the table prescribed vitamin and mineral amounts. The product of the amount of potassium in a dose of 500 mg should be.


Vitamin A (RE = retinolekvivalens g) 700
Vitamin D (mcg) 5
Vitamin E (mg-TE = tokoferolekvivalens) 10
Vitamin C (mg) 45
Thiamine (mg) 1.1
Riboflavin (mg) 1.6
Niacin (mg NE = niacinekvivalens) 18
Vitamin B6 (mg) 1.5
Folate (mcg) 200
Vitamin B12 (mcg) 1.4
Biotin (mcg) 15
Pantothenic acid (mg) three
Calcium (mg) 700
Phosphorus (mg) 550
Potassium (mg) 3100
Iron (mg) 16
Zinc (mg) 9.5
Copper (mg) 1.1
Iodine (mcg) 130
Selenium (mcg) 55
Sodium (mg) 575
Magnesium (mg) 150
Manganese (mg) a

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